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Evgeni BaratashviliGuguli KurashviliIrma Maxarashvili-Baratashvili


Economic Science calls on the use of creative management elements, which implies the introduction of non-traditional methods and tools in the management process. Management in general sense - is the activity of human consciousness to achieve the goals set for joint labor organizations.  It is important to understand that management is an instrument for achieving objectives by using other people's labor, intellectual and behavioral abilities.  Creative management, as the type of management as well as the type of  scientifically proven management instrument, is used  as a tool for strategic development purposes in continuing emergency and crisis situations; Especially in the situations when it is necessary to save  or advance existing potential or find new ways for achieving competitiveness of the enterprise on the market segment.

We must confess that the most important strategic direction of the governing science is a creative management. Creative management, in the rate acceleration process of the technological innovations, reflect the specific aspect of managing contemporary fields and enterprises.

At present there is a sharply increased demand on inventive management and managers, with a generation skill, ability of realization of quick nonstandard and original ideas, quickly and efficiently solve problematic situations.

Naturally, we cannot confirm or ignore innovative management (managing innovations, novelties), who perform realization of the functions of innovative management, such as organization of scientific research processes and fundamental development, creation of test samples and implementation of novelties in organizations. However, in the modern era – in the informational and innovative economic conditions, systematically are rising principally new problems and tasks, which are connected to searching novelties, with the non-copied approaches of solving them in unforeseen and uncertainty conditions, as well, with nonstandard, emergency and crisis situations.

These are the circumstances and conditions, which determine the necessity of active use of creative management in enterprises. The fundamental of the creative management is a creative thinking, creative (intellectual) skill, abilities and thinking. In a broad sense, under the creative thinking we consider and mean the thinking, which leads us to innovative ideas and discoveries, principally new solving of problematic situations. In the economic process, we usually mean the activity, directed to creation of principally new benefits. In relevance with the governing field, creative thinking considers the skill to operate unique, nonstandard managing decisions, perform searches foe nonstandard innovative ideas.

The main distinctiveness and characteristic of creativeness are possibilities of a man, to discover new ways and means of solving problematic issues, ability to reject stereotypes of the rules and means; i.e. on the front line of characterizing “creativeness” come feature of nonstandard thinking, ability to newly review existed and known realities.

Creativeness in some kind and quality is characteristic for persons, who perform their activities in several social fields, spheres and sectors.

Specific form and type of creativeness is governing creativeness. Understanding of creative management in learning context, together with researching of idea “creativeness”, is seldom used another understanding: named – “governing creativity”.

Fundamental of the governing creativity is a creative thinking of a manager, understood as the mean of different, form innovative ideas, knowledge, instruments, methods and mechanisms with different thinking combinations, which ensure rise of social-economic development efficiency of organizations.

At present, creative management, in the efficient management system of enterprises, organizations and companies social-economic development we can see the instruments, use of which is one of the main factor to overcome today’s chaos, ruling in the managing activities.

In its content, creative management is a creative-innovative activity, to develop original managing innovations and managing of realization of creative processes. This is an activity of representing nonstandard, original ideas and heir practical realization and commercialization.

Creative management is directed to development and implementation of novelties in the managing activities, in the issues of planning, organization, motivation, control communications and technologies of making managing decisions; in other words, these are the organizational-managing innovations.